
mikel ortega's personal webpage, weblog or whatever it is...

Friday, March 24, 2006


These are some of the works that I did years ago, and right now are hanging somewhere on the net.


Made around year 2000, with IƱigo Segovia, using Truespace.

metro geltokia
3D-modeled subway station, inspired on the Alameda station in Valencia, Spain.
Metro Estazioa Metro Estazioa Metro Estazioa Metro Estazioa Metro Estazioa
Virtual walkaround in the station. That's one of my first animations :)

C++ Rubik's Cube Final year Project 2001-2002

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Rather than a weblog, right now that's just a redesign of my old webpage. I don't know yet if I'll continue updating with new posts... or not.

I also didn't know in what language shall I write on this weblog, so, that's what I decided:
  • I'll use English for general things or general info.
  • Spanish for more specific or personal stuff.
  • And Basque for even more personal matters.
I'll keep updating this about page, I don't have time now.. :/